<p>With Shah Rukh Khan as its leading man, Sanya Malhotra is now basking in the record-breaking success of her most recent film, Jawan. Sanya played the part of Eram, a psychiatrist who teams up with Shah Rukh’s group of females to reshape society. She co-stars alongside Shah Rukh in a few of the movie’s songs, including Zinda Banda. She said that Shah Rukh had been hurt during filming for the tune in a recent interview.<img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-198465″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-indian-boxers-want-to-win-more-medals-at-the-asian-games-and-secure-spots-in-the-o.jpg” alt=”theindiaprint.com indian boxers want to win more medals at the asian games and secure spots in the o” width=”1329″ height=”744″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-indian-boxers-want-to-win-more-medals-at-the-asian-games-and-secure-spots-in-the-o.jpg 300w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/theindiaprint.com-indian-boxers-want-to-win-more-medals-at-the-asian-games-and-secure-spots-in-the-o-150×84.jpg 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1329px) 100vw, 1329px” title=”Sanya Malhotra of Jawan reveals that Shah Rukh Khan was hurt during the filming of Zinda Banda 6″></p>
<p>Sanya said to ETimes that she first spotted Shah Rukh Khan’s bruise on the second day of the filming, but he continued to work despite it. We all examined our hands when I informed them he had a bruise, and we all discovered that we all had bruises. That seemed a little strange.</p>
<p>Sanya referred to Shah Rukh as a calm, collected guy when she spoke about working with him. He is excellent. He is simple. He is conversing with folks and listening to their experiences. He never returned to relax in his vanity. We were filming for Zinda Banda while it was sweltering outdoors. Anybody would have worn out, yet Sir continued. Girls, we were all thrilled to be dancing with Shah Rukh Khan,” she said.</p>
<p>“It was a pinch-me moment for everyone,” Sanya said. I wanted to phone my mother as soon as I got back to the hotel and tell her, “Mom, I worked with Shah Rukh Khan,” which is Urdu for “Mom, I have worked with Shah Rukh Khan.” It’s incredible. He didn’t beg to adjust the step or to halt. He gives himself over entirely to the vision.</p>
<p>On September 7, the Atlee-directed movie finally hit theaters after considerable anticipation. In addition, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, and Deepika Padukone provide outstanding performances.</p>
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